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Maintaining the Shine: Tips for Cleaning & Caring for Granite
Tile Superstore & more
/ Categories: Kitchen

Maintaining the Shine: Tips for Cleaning & Caring for Granite

Granite countertops are beautiful, durable, and versatile. If you have newly installed granite countertops or are buying a home with them, you must know how to care for them properly. Proper care will ensure their durability and longevity. 

Tile Superstore & more has compiled a handy guide for cleaning and caring for your granite countertops

Daily Cleaning for Granite Countertops

Just like any other countertop, granite countertops need regular cleaning. Luckily, this is an easy task. Simply wipe down your countertops with a mixture of warm water and mild detergent. Avoid using abrasive cleaners, as they will damage the sealant on the countertops. 

You can use a microfiber cloth or sponge to clean granite countertops but do not use the abrasive side of the sponge. Afterward, thoroughly dry your countertops to prevent streaks and water spots. 

Granite Countertop Stain Removal

If anything spills on your countertops, make sure you clean it up right away. This is particularly important for anything acidic, like wine, coffee, and fruit juices. Acidic liquids can damage the granite surface. 

If you have a stubborn stain, use a poultice made of baking soda and water. Apply the paste to the area, cover it with plastic wrap, and let it sit overnight. Then, clean it up the next day. 

Avoid using chemicals like bleach, ammonia, vinegar, or other acidic cleaners on your granite countertops. 

Sealing Your Granite Countertops

Granite countertops need to be sealed regularly to protect against stains and moisture. To test your current sealant, place a few droplets of water on the surface. If they bead up, then your sealant is working. 

If you are applying sealant yourself, follow the manufacturer’s instructions. You’ll want to apply the sealant evenly with a soft cloth or brush and allow it to penetrate the stone. 

General Care Tips for Granite Countertops

Other than the aforementioned cleaning tips, here are a few general care tips for granite countertops: 

  • Use cutting boards and trivets to prevent scratching and heat damage. 

  • Avoid using heavy objects on the surfaces. 

  • Perform regular maintenance and address any issues right away to prevent further damage. 

  • Hire a professional site restoration expert for periodic deep cleaning, polishing, and sealing. 

Shop Tile Superstore & more for Beautiful Granite Countertops

Ready to make the switch to granite countertops? Tile Superstore & more has a huge showroom in Rochester, Minnesota, where you can see ideas for granite countertops in person. In addition to countertops, you can also check out tile, flooring, and cabinets

Our interior designers are ready to help you design the kitchen or bathroom of your dreams. Call us today at 507-285-1109 to schedule a consultation! 

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